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Chapter 10 - Investor, Warren van Buffet - (from the Lowest of the Lowlands) - pours Del's entire deficit into Amazon Stock - No Brokerage Fees



Whatever... Lhasa or Katmandu, for the time being it was all one blurred 'Wisdom of the Orient!'

And so Del whipped out one of those new flatscreen handheld devices from which he had been so ingloriously flicked away like a green manure fly on a Parisian croissant, and began gathering information.
Number one: he'd be needing money - of course, wouldn't you know it?!  Money, always money!
But Lhasa wasn't all that expensive and flying there via Las Vegas and Helsinki would only set him back about the same as an Uber to Kansas.
It was cheap, but still considerably more than the minus $25 he had in his wallet! Wallet? What wallet? Patting his derrière, he felt that it was missing. Ah right! While smoking a dynamite Colombian strain (oddly sticky to the touch) he had invested his entire deficit in Amazon stock.
Yes, following the advice of a Dutch dude with dreadlocks called Warren Van Buffet he had diversified his portfolio.
And all for free. No brokerage fees. The only thing Van Buffet needed for the transaction was Del's passport, driver's license and social security number. Now it all came back to him. Before the ace investor had taken off, Del, on a lucid impulse, had asked: "Wait a minute man, how can anyone, let alone a road apple like me, invest MINUS twenty-five dollars?... MINUS?!" Without batting an eye, Van Buffet turned and explained: "Are you kidding?! You know what the current deficit of the USA is? 27.75 trillion dollars! Compared to that, your minus twenty-five is a fortune! It'll be a privilege for Jeffery Preston Bezos to put that precious deficit of yours to work. Not to worry, pal, not to worry, Jeff B. has got you covered... and it's all in writing!"
That made a whole lot of sense!


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