Guten morgen, Schatz!
Danke, meine Liebe!
What have you got for me today?
Well, I wanted to show you how one single Connective Editing button obeying a simple instruction, has got all the other editing apps for handhelds beat - and as a matter of fact it's even snappier than what's normal on a regular sit-on-your butt computer.
Wow... I'm all in.
Actually, you ARE! Because this new single instruction will be the new DEL. And any app would be foolish to ignore the wonderful ease and power it offers. But then...
But then... ?
I want to be on a keyboard too!
You do?
Yes, I want to marry you and live on an extra keyboard row with you.
Have you been smoking something, Juula?
Absolutely not. I never do that stuff.
Right, sorry... I didn't mean it that way.
I want to join you and be a second button that completes the new DEL. Then if we have children, the DEL and JUULA family can revolutionize editing.
I love it.
I know it sounds crazy, but I can prove it to you. Anyhow, first let's start with just you. The new DEL. It looks like this: [§] - section symbol inside square brackets, and it obeys this simple instruction:
The [§] button checks the value immediately to the left of the cursor, and then cancels to the right up to and including that same value, case insensitive.
The [§] button is amazingly versatile. For starters:
- [§] deletes words at a single tap and allows for successive word deletions like an automatic pistol. Just tap [§] at the head of a word and you'll zap it. There's no more reaching up to the screen. No double-tapping to select, no backspace, no micro-corrections to cancel eventual double spaces. Faster and with less anatomy involved than a computer.
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