Del came to his 'coma-present' senses again with a blissful smile. And she was right there by his side with her smartphone in her hand.
"Hi Del... How are we doing?"
"Great, Juula! And so happy to see you again!"
"While you were sleeping, I programmed our little paragraph killer."
"Ah yes, the pilcrow connector."
"Want to see?"
Juula held her smartphone up to the slits of Del's bandaged head - a look definitely reminiscent of the Invisible Man - and zapped a whole bunch of paragraphs in rapid succession, at single 'semi-automatic' taps.
"Faster and with less anatomy involved. On a phone, no less! But that's nothing. Ready for another short geography expedition?"
"Lead the way!"
"Okay, first we click that toggle again: 'show non-printing characters.' Okay, last time you saw the pilcrows and then... what else? Do you remember?"
With an irresistible smile, that not only curled Del's toes, but also his shins (normally not possible, but after the accident, many of his lower extremities had become quadruple-jointed), Juula started zapping single words on her phone in rapid succession.
"Holy cow! That's fantastic!"
"Yes. The same command that zaps paragraphs at a single touch, also zaps words, because almost every word in the universe has a spacebar space in front of it and a spacebar space after."
Del was thrilled. "I used to do something like that with CTRL. CTRL-DEL used to zap words."
"Of course, but that required two hands. This is even faster. One button one touch!"
"It's as if every paragraph and every word had its own incorporated quick-deletion link."
"Del, my sweetheart..."
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