But he and everybody else needed to go beyond the bad optics because Del was working on a new 'computer key' - a command that one day would surely be installed on the keyboard of every device, big or small, real or virtual. And PERMANENTLY installed!
Or if not permanently, then for at least 10,000 consecutive years - without a chance of being ousted the way those heartless FUTHER-MUCKERS had ousted him!

Barring the very real likelihood of some scientist in Switzerland muttering 'oops' under his breath before accidentally compacting the entire universe into a single atom through an interconnection of black holes...
...Del's new button would never die! Yes - DAMN IT! - he meant it!
That button had to be!
Who knows if that bouncer, who only two months earlier had been hauling heavy metal parts at the Electrotyazhmash tractor factory of Kharkiv, would have been impressed had he understood a single word of Del's peroration?!
Later, Del figured the behemoth must've once been a sportsman, because his expulsion method was very similar to an Olympic Hammer Throw, replete with closing power yell! 'SGRAAAAAH!'
But never mind the brute and never mind all the aches and pains, only the button mattered, ONLY THE BUTTON!
What button?
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